Professional Experiences

Social AI Lab, SUTD

LMM Humor Understanding, Research Assistant | Jun 24 - Present

DSO National Laboratories

NLP Research Intern | Aug 23 - Dec 23

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant | Sep 22 - Dec 22


Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

SmartDrive, Machine Learning Researcher (Computer Vision) | May 23 to Dec 23

50.003 Machine Learning

Sentiment and Entity Analysis (Natural Language Processing) | May 23 to Aug 23
[Project Details]

50.003 Elements of Software Construction

Office of Student Life Web Application (Software Engineering) | May 23 to Aug 23
[Project Details]

10.023 Designing Energy Systems

Solar Dehydrator DCH, Data Analyst | Sep 22 to Dec 22
[Project Details]

Page design by Ankit Sultana