About Me

Hi! I’m currently completing my B.E. in Computer Science and Design (majoring in AI) as a Senior at SUTD. I am also working towards a Master’s by Research degree.


M.Res in Artificial Intelligence, SUTD
Singapore, Sep 2024 to Sep 2026

B.Eng in Computer Science and Design (Artificial Intelligence), SUTD
Singapore, Sep 2021 to May 2025

Relevant Courses Grade
50.007 Machine Learning A
50.005 Elements of Software Construction A-

Global Exchange Program (GEXP), Aalto University
Finland, Jan 2024 to Jun 2025

Relevant Courses
CS-E4890 Deep Learning
ELEC-E5550 Statistical Natural Language Processing
CS-E4800 Artificial Intelligence

Research Interest

My research is centered around collaborative AI, exploring how humans and intelligent systems can work together to achieve shared goals. Within this domain, I am particularly interested in the reasoning and social interactions within AI frameworks.

Currently, my research explores the fascinating realm of humor within Large Multimodal Models (LMMs). That is, whether a LMM can understand and explain humor across both visual and textual modalities.

Humor in AI is intriguing to me as it demands common world knowledge, reasoning and creativity. These traits directly aligns with the goals of general artificial intelligence and making advancements towards them would also make strides towards general artificial intelligence.

That said, exploring humor in AI is challenging as it is subjective and hard to quantify. Hence, my work usually consists of:



  1. WJL Ryan, TR Yang, KTW Choo, RKW Lee: LMM Humor Understanding Task


Year Award Description
2024 AI Singapore Accelerated Masters Scholarship Awarded to Singaporean penultimate-year undergraduates at Singapore-based Autonomous Universities (AUs) to nurture fundamental AI researchers
2024 kKH Global Exchange Award (Spring 2024) Awarded to students with good academic standing and active co-curricular activities to fund their exchange studies
2023 Higher Education Community Bursary A government bursary for students in need of financial assistance
2023 Jyoti and Aditya Mathur Student Achievement Awards (Student Organisation Award) Awarded for my contributions to the Freshmen Orientation Committee 2022 as the Safety Executive Committee
2022 Higher Education Community Bursary A government bursary for students in need of financial assistance
2021 SUTD Undergraduate Merit Scholarship Awarded to outstanding students who demonstrate academic excellence and a passion for creating innovative technology and designs that benefit society.


– TBA Seeking permissions first >< —


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This section is where I dump my TMI stuff. I love injecting a bit of humor wherever I go to make life a little easier for everyone.


I asked some of my friends/coworkers how they would describe me:

My current hobbies:

Page design by Ankit Sultana